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(67/185) 155 - ProjectViewer: don't sort items, let me arrange them

I'm trying to use jedit as a notetaker/outliner (kind of emac's org mode).
I'm using Project viewer, and notes are small text files. However I don't want to sort items, PV should let me arrange them with the mouse. I think this could be useful for navigating large projects for coding: just put files you use the most close to the top.

The idea here is to create a separate layer that controls display, where aphabetically sorting is just one option.

Submitted urlwolf - 2009-12-08 15:51:05 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels Project Viewer
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2010-01-27 03:54:34

FYI: unless I get a patch this will probably never happen. I don't see this as being particularly useful (the behavior of sorted lists is predictable, so you can use that to organize things in a way that better suits you).

2011-11-30 00:06:03

- **summary**: Project viewer: don't sort items, let me arrange them --> ProjectViewer: don't sort items, let me arrange them

2012-01-12 23:19:45

- **labels**: --> Project Viewer